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Remote Project Management training

Target audience
Foreknowledge and level
Exam details
Extra information
After following this two-day Remote Project Management training you will be better able to guide your project organization and you will be able to deliver remote projects on time and successfully!

Remote Project Management training introduction

Everyone who is eligible with projects is increasingly working remotely, creating a need for tools that support the efficient management of virtual projects. Remote Project Management also influences the dynamics, because a team that works remotely from each other requires a different way of communication. For example, have you already thought about how you can let your team members reinforce each other, now that the entire team rarely meets in real-life?

Remote Project Management training target group

Anyone who is eligible with projects and has an interest in successfully managing remote projects. It is recommended that you have previously led a project or followed a Project Management training.

Remote Project Management training foreknowledge


Remote Project Management training duration

2 days

Remote Project Management training additional information

After following the Remote Project management training you will be able to:

  • Better communication with the project organization.
  • Adopt the appropriate leadership style.
  • Control a Project Remote with the right tools and confidence.
  • Calculate the associated risks of Remote Project Management.

Scheduling Remote Project Management training

During the first day of Remote Project Management, you will learn how to start and manage a project remotely, including setting up the project organization and drawing up a project plan.

On the second day, everything revolves around the Online tools such as Trello or Teams and making the progress of the project and the associated documentation transparent & accessible.

The training also includes a short consultancy, where your own case can be handled.

Do you have a question about: Remote Project Management training

Please feel free to contact us if you cannot find a suitable date.

Remote Project Management training video lesson
Remote Project Management training Appendix
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+31 (0) 20 - 2050324
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